For the color of blood on your hands.
Palin and Romney have the worst social graces. They are supposed to be representing something good about our country as "Americans" themselves...yeah, right.
I've said before...here in Massachusetts Mitt Romney...sold us down the river. And believe me did he sell and we paid big. I don't want to get too deep as I have a story coming up related to this. I lost my sister a couple of years ago...3 or 4. Romney was in office. He deemed that state run places for the mentally retarded and the very low functioning...were not necessary. He was on this, "lets mainstream them...treat them like humans." Well, Mitt...they were mainstreamed. A lot have died. Lost...without friends, family, a familiar face. Here is your small stipend disability check...here is your rent controlled place. Someone might check in on you once and a while...now go shopping for yourself...live your life be free.
I said, gone.
My sister would have died without the Fernald Center. He axed that to crap. Unable to recover...people are trying their hardest.
Patti, my sister, wasn't even supposed to reach puberty. I handed her back to God...from my arms...1 month before her 40th birthday. Thank you God. Thank you Fernald Staff...I'll be posting Patti's story soon...for she alone was the wisest, most happy and loving person I'll ever know. Though deemed "disabled" she couldn't walk or talk but, she worked mountain moving miracles.
I brought up Mitt because I've been reading Palin articles...and they include her departure as a set up for "classy" Mitt Romney. 2012.
Mitt and his huge state spent hairspray bill could have helped the American starving children...I say that kind of in jest but, not really...
I just have a hunch that...as I've said before, in response to my friend, Lydia Cornell's question, Why are Republicans so Scared?
The truth is unraveling...like President Obama said something to the effect of...Hey, I'm not perfect...and have a cabinet and you to help me make this work. The Republicans are scared that this is working for you and me...and their threat of master/slave culture is getting further and further from view. All that work. All that hate. All those killings. Now Mr and Mrs Middleclass Nobody wants more...then more...next...we will be providing them affordable health care!
Where are you going, Sarah? Like I said, you have 0 social graces for a woman in your position. You're up there with Paris Hilton.
She's probably going to be the 1st Republican Government woman from Alaska...to pose "classy" nude for playboy.
I think she's in trouble.
I'll pray for you Sarah...
Because you hate people like me...
And in my previous story...
My heart and home are in a...
Blessed are the Peacemakers...for they are the ones that truly do God's work.
God...Bless and Protect Us All...