This is a picture of me taken at a friends house up on the North Shore...in the Town of Beverly. My friend is amazing, eclectic, eccentric and she's the type of girl that you just love to hear her laugh...So the jokes roll on.
There is a little weird history on my friend's house.
I is a large mansion surrounded by stone walls and iron gates.
The lighting is eerie.
There is a court yard.
There is a Ball Room.
There is a library.
There are staff bungalows.
It's a condo now...and my friend rents an apartment there.
It was at one time a brothel.
It's been there so long that the house speaks it's stories through what you see...what you feel...how you behave...
Sometimes Curious.
Sometimes Scared.
Always Fascinating.
For it was in these parts that witches were burned on the beach.
This house was part of the underground railroad.
This house was a porthole to freedom...
To a new beginning...
All backed by Love and God.
How could anyone fail with God on their side?
My friend lifted up, what looked like a stationary cabinet, and it sort of was like a trap door.
You open the door and you think its just a little storage area.
She shimmy's something...and voila!
It is The Underground Rail Road.
She says the tunnels at one time ran through to the City of Boston...via all suburbs.
Blessed God...
The picture I posted was taken at this house when I thought they were just adjusting the camera...there were many like these...those guys kept snapping my picture, without flash...as I stared into Nothing.
Nothing is where God isn't
We all have something.
Scientist, Mathematicians, Biologists...Geniuses...
Can all debate on God or Nothing.
Big Bang?
Who caused it.
Why does the solar system work so perfectly.
In nature...where we are from...
All from God.
Are perfect.
In a metaphoric image...
There is a devil...a demon...a sinister force.
You can't have good without bad.
That defies the laws of Nature.
And God.
If anyone doesn't believe...
And this life is all there is...
And we just go nowhere...
A Lost Soul.
No more love.
No more Spirit.
No more God.
I'm praying for you now...
For those that have made their decision
That we go nowhere...
Follow people like myself...
My Good Friend...Lydia Cornell http://www.lydiacornell.com/
The Full Circle
And comes back for you...
Until you believe...
And even then...
We never leave you.
God never leaves you...
We are heirs and heiress to his promise of everlasting life...
In his Kingdom.
Again, in that picture...that look and the weird lighting...and the weird creepy feelings you get with drafts and sounds...in a "haunted house"
My face looks like I'm not there.
My face looks like God's not there.
It scared me.
Now I have a reason to turn it into a little miracle...
Things aren't always what they seem.
You can't read people by expression, color, creed, politics...
But some people do...and make judgments and decisions on their own.
That is without God.
Hey Everybody...
The healing has begun...
Let's rejoice.
My love is pouring into these words...
And they will be read and spoken...
And it will come back to me...
Like life, love, the planet and God...
Full Circle.
Just Believe.
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